Get In Touch
Achara junction ikwo, Ebonyi state
Frequently Asked Question!
Step 1:
Visit and click on the cart icon for the product you want to buy. Select the quantity you need and scroll down to choose your preferred delivery method. Then, click “Proceed to Checkout.”
Step 2:
Enter your details, including your name, street address (e.g., front gate, back gate, junction), and in the next field, enter your lodge/house name. Select “Ikwo” or “AI” as the town (if you are ordering from AI). Make sure to include your phone number and email address. Confirm the shipping method, select your payment method (direct bank transfer or cash on delivery), and then place your order.
Step 3:
Take a screenshot of your order number and send it to 09011877895 on WhatsApp.
Step 4:
Receive your products on Supply Day (Tuesdays and Saturdays) and pay after inspecting your items.
Echara junction ikwo.
please call 09011877895 for more direction
Step 1:
Visit and click on the cart icon for the product you want to buy. Select the quantity you need and scroll down to choose your preferred delivery method. Then, click “Proceed to Checkout.”
Step 2:
Enter your details, including your name, street address (e.g., front gate, back gate, junction), and in the next field, enter your lodge/house name. Select “Ikwo” or “AI” as the town (if you are ordering from AI). Make sure to include your phone number and email address. Confirm the shipping method, select your payment method (direct bank transfer or cash on delivery), and then place your order.
Step 3:
transfer you money (if you are using direct bank transfer), take a screenshot of your order number and send it to 09011877895 on WhatsApp.
Step 4:
Receive your products on Supply Day (Tuesdays and Saturdays) and pay after inspecting your items (if you have not make payment.
call 09011877895 or
send an email to